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Indonesian Heritage Recipes

Rp 67.200 Rp 84.000
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Kategori Internasional
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Indonesian Heritage Recipes

Tyas AN
Cetakan 1, 2015
25×17,5 cm, 80 hlm.
Isi: Mat Paper 100 gr.; Sampul: AC 230 gr.
ISBN: 978-979-692-606-0

Sinopsis :

Intended as a tasteful reading handbook for foreigners to acknowledge and taste nine of heirdom and peculiar recipes from various islands of Indonesia. In this first volume we can experience dishes from Buton, Toraja, Bangka, Ternate, Sumbawa, Makassar, and Bali.

Indonesian Heritage Recipes represented so many various culture but still has a common in each other associated to the spices, taste, and adjusting it with ingredients related to nowadays.

Let’s be closer in to the kitchen.

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Indonesian Heritage Recipes

Berat 300 gram
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Dilihat 486 kali
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